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14 / 07 / 2021

ASSIGNMENT 1: Work From Home + Doors & Windows

This assignment required research on a room or area in our homes. From there, we had to produce a set of drawings including detailed drawings of a selected door or window. I have selected casement windows as my focus. 


**Logo and companies shown are for educational purposes only. I am not directly affiliated with any of the stated.

ASSIGNMENT 2: Precedent studies - A Bureau


This assignment requires us to research on existing co-working offices and obtain a plan of the space. From there, I had to redraw the plan with more detail, and produce a set of accompanying drawings, including a detailed bespoke furniture.


This assignment is a semi-group assignment where some drawings are a product of group effort.


**Logo and companies shown are for educational purposes only. I am not directly affiliated with any of the stated.

FINAL PROJECT: Working Drawings + System Integration


Based on our Interior Architecture 4 module, we had to create a set of detailed drawings.


**Logo and companies shown are for educational purposes only. I am not directly affiliated with any of the stated.

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